School Hours
Our school hours are from 9.00am until 3.30pm each day. The last day of each term students will be dismissed at 2.30pm and 1.30pm on the last day of the year. Springvale Rise Primary School’s grounds are supervised by school staff from 8:45am – 9:00am before school and from 3:30pm – 3:45pm after school. Outside of these hours, school staff will not be available to supervise students.
The school hours are as follows
- School Commences – 9:00 am
- Morning Recess – 11:00 am – 11:30 am
- Lunch Eating Time – 1:30 pm – 1:40pm
- Lunch Time – 1:40 pm – 2:30 pm
- School Dismissal – 3:30 pm
2025 Term Dates
- Term 1: 29th January (Students start) to 4th April
- Term 2: 22nd April to 4th July
- Term 3: 21st July to 19th September
- Term 4: 6th October to 19th December
School Council
Our School Council comprises of parents, the principal, staff and community members.
School council elections are held in February or March each year. All parents or guardians of students enrolled at the school are eligible to vote for parent members, and staff vote for staff members. School council members are elected for a two year term. Half the membership is elected or co-opted each year creating vacancies for the annual school council election.
The current members of School Council at Springvale Rise Primary School are:

Debbie Cottier

Michelle Sideridis
Staff Member (Secretary)

Louisa Willoughby
School Council President

Carly Jamar
Staff Member

Be Ha
Community Member

Makara Chour

Shilpa Mattepally
School councils have three main responsibilities:
- Finance – overseeing the development of the school’s annual budget and ensuring proper records are kept of the school’s financial operation.
- Strategic Planning – participating in the development and monitoring of the School Strategic Plan.
- Policy Development and Review – developing, reviewing and updating policies that reflect a school’s values and support the school’s broad direction outlined in its strategic plan.
Other key functions of school councils include:
- Raising funds for school-related purposes
- Maintaining school grounds and facilities
- Entering into contracts
- Reporting annually to the school community and the Department
- Representing and taking the views of the community into account
- Regulating and facilitating after-hours use of school premises and grounds
(Reference: Department of Education and Training DET)
Selecting the right school
Selecting the right school for your child is an important decision. We believe a school tour is the best method to decide which school is right for your child. We conduct our school tours during the school day and encourage you to bring your child along with you. These tours provides the perfect opportunity for you and your child to see our school in operation and for you to ask many questions as you walk through our learning spaces.
To start primary school your child must turn five years of age, or older, by April 30 of the year that they start school. We accept Foundation enrolments from the start of each year, one year prior to your child’s start date. We encourage you to collect an Enrolment Pack early in the year to take home to complete and return with the supporting legal documentation as soon as possible.

Springvale Rise Primary School recognises the importance of ensuring our new students feel safe, nurtured and excited about starting school. The beginning of your child’s journey at our school starts with a school tour and meeting the students and teachers in your child’s year level. This will help your child establish a personal connection and begin to settle into their new school environment. Please contact our school office to organise a tour and enroll your child today.
Pre-School to Foundation Transition
Transition from pre-school / kindergarten into Foundation is a significant time for all children. At Springvale Rise Primary School our responsibility is to ensure a positive, seamless transition for each child who begins his or her schooling with us. We understand that every child has individual needs and we therefore create a diverse and unique Transition Program which supports them to shine. We welcome any queries and questions you may have about your child’s educational journey with Springvale Rise Primary School.
Secondary College Transition
To support the transition to Secondary College all Year Five and Six students, together with their parents, should carefully consider their choice of secondary school. Government Secondary Colleges in this area include Keysborough Secondary College, Westall Secondary College and Wellington Secondary College.
All colleges welcome parent interest and provide information regarding courses offered and facilities available. In addition to the Government Secondary Colleges, there are also a number of Catholic and Independent Secondary Colleges in this area that families may consider.
Please note parents of Year Six students are usually asked to make their choice early in Term Two.
School Tours
At Springvale Rise Primary School we believe that the best way for you to decide if our school is the right fit for your child is for you all to attend a school tour. We conduct our school tours at any time during the school day and encourage you to bring your child and toddlers with you. A school tour provides the perfect opportunity for you and your child to see the school in operation and for you all to ask many questions as you walk through our learning centres. During the tour you will visit inside numerous learning spaces and see our students learning effectively at any given time throughout the school day.
Our school tours are individualised to suit you and are conducted by a member of our Leadership Team at a mutually convenient time.
To organise a school tour please contact the Administration office.

International Students
International Students_Level 1 accredited Schools | Download |
Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
Their Care (Out of School Hours Care)
Springvale Rise Primary School’s Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) program is run by our partner organisati on, “Their Care” in the hall every morning and afternoon on both the Heights Campus and the Springvale Campus. OSHC is also available on Pupil Free Days and during the school holiday period. Further informati on is available from the office or from the wonderful Their Care staff.
Bookings are made via the Their Care website: