Principal’s Message
Welcome, and thank you for choosing our school for your child’s education. I look forward to meeting you in person and officially welcoming you into our school community.
Springvale Rise Primary School prides itself on being a safe, supportive and inclusive learning environment and celebrates all our families’ diverse cultural backgrounds and perspectives as we believe they enrich our learning community each and every day.
Our staff have all been appointed because of their high expectations, enthusiasm, and commitment to making a difference to the lives of all our students, their families and the wider school community. I am confident that you will find that they are very skilled at improving both student learning and wellbeing outcomes.
We also employ a number of staff members who will be able to assist you and your children in your first language.
Springvale Rise Primary School is located in the South-Eastern Victoria Region, approximately twenty-five kilometres from the Melbourne city centre. And although we are two campuses, we are one school.
Please take the time to explore our website as I hope it will give you a sense of who we are and what we stand for.
Come join the Springvale Rise Primary School family. We would love to have you.
Mrs. Debbie Cottier

Heights Campus Assistant Principal Message
The Heights Campus is positioned in a well-established residential area and features a brand-new Administration Block and Community Hub, two modern open-plan learning centres, a synthetic basketball court, state-of-the-art playground equipment, large, grassed playing fields, sandpits and a kindergarten (which operates in partnership with the City of Greater Dandenong and Best Chance).

The students on the Heights Campus love being active and outdoors; making use of our amazing playgrounds, engaging in imaginative play in the cubby houses and participating in student-led games. A variety of Lunchtime Clubs also provide a variety of alternatives for lunchtime activities; providing social and emotional support for some of our students within a caring and inclusive environment.
Being new to the role of Assistant Principal at Springvale Rise Primary School in 2024, my work is supported by a strong and very experienced Leadership Team on the Heights Campus. The Sub-School Team Leaders work collaboratively with all teachers and education support staff to continuously improve teaching practice whilst the Wellbeing Leader plays a key role in leading whole school change in the wellbeing, disability and inclusion space. All leaders, teachers and educati on support staff in our school work collaboratively to ensure each and every student has a great day every day, and each child experiences learning success.
Many of our students’ mums and younger siblings also attend Community Hub activities on a weekly basis (building strong connections between school and home) and it has been wonderful getting to know everything about Hub. Please make sure you make contact with our Hub Leader, Mrs. Julie Raciti if you would like to join in the fun.

Sarah Orme
Assistant Principal

Michelle Gorman
F-2 Team Leader

Suzanne Stubbings
3-6 Team Leader

Laura Pelle
Wellbeing Team Leader
Springvale Campus Assistant Principal Message
The Springvale Campus is located in the heart of central Springvale and bordered by both residential and commercial areas. The original, red brick schoolhouse represents the strong history of the school, and accommodates the administration offices, meeting areas and junior and senior learning centres. Refurbished classrooms for the middle learning centre, a brand-new double portable for the foundation students, a synthetic oval, a multi -cultural kitchen garden and state-of-the-art playground equipment / ninja course all contribute to a learning environment of which the whole community is proud.
The school is currently in the process of completing further upgrades to the outdoor environment – with more exciting landscaping improvements on the way with the School Council, students, parents and the wider school community working together to develop an inclusive play area that will provide a new space for people of all ages and all abilities to enjoy.
The Springvale Campus students also love being outdoors playing games and using the playgrounds. Our various Lunchtime Clubs provide social and wellbeing support for students, and opportunities for our budding gardeners to get their hands dirty and make new friends. On Springvale Campus we also facilitate Prayer Group on a Friday. This was activated by student voice and is something that many of our Muslim students look forward to leading every week.
My work on Springvale Campus as the Assistant Principal is supported by a strong Leadership Team. The Sub-School Team Leaders work collaboratively with all teachers and education support staff to continuously improve teaching practice whilst the Wellbeing Leader plays a key role in leading whole school change in the wellbeing, disability and inclusion space. On Springvale Campus we also have a highly experienced Mathematics Learning Specialists who works alongside a team of teachers to continuously improve Mathematics teaching practice and in turn student learning outcomes. All leaders, teachers and education support staff in our school work collaboratively to ensure each and every student has a great day every day, and each child experiences learning success.

Carly Jamar
Assistant Principal

Zoe Hahesy
F-2 Team Leader

Mirela Karup
3-6 Team Leader

Sophie Christofakakis
Mathematics Learning Specialists

Mary Sampieri
Wellbeing Team Leader
Vision, Values & Mission
School Vision
At Springvale Rise Primary School we aspire to create an inclusive and respectful learning community that nurtures, supports, inspires and challenges all members of the school community to achieve and celebrate their personal best within a culture of collaboration, shared responsibility and high expectations. “Two Campuses – One School”
Three characteristics that underpin the above are:
- Our students being at the center of the school’s curriculum planning, and learning and teaching models (with a focus on the whole child).
- Student and adult learning that is supported through a culture of collaborati on and shared responsibility and High expectations.

School Values
At Springvale Rise Primary School our core values are:
- Working together to create something new and with a common goal in mind
- Empowering all members of the school community to achieve and celebrate their personal best within a culture of high expectations.
- Bouncing back from difficulties or disappointments
- Accepting challenges, trying hard and not giving up easily
- Caring for, understanding, accepting and appreciating others and ourselves
- Looking after our environment
- Honesty, integrity and consideration
- Celebrating diversity – diversity of cultural background, diversity of religion, diversity of thinking

Springvale Rise Primary School’s mission is reflected in these three statements.
Students will be empowered to be active, independent learners who have ownership and take responsibility for their learning.
Teachers will provide an environment which is supportive and inclusive and enables our students to realise their uniqueness and potential in a changing global society.
Parents will be encouraged to take an active role in their child’s learning by engaging in a partnership with the school.
Springvale Rise Primary School’s objective is to collaboratively provide every child in every classroom with inclusive, authentic, learning opportunities that ensure academic, social and emotional growth and empower all students to reach their personal best and become confident, successful and active members of society.