
Core Curriculum
Springvale Rise Primary School is committed to providing a safe, secure and supportive learning environment that encourages all students to take responsibility for their own learning. Students are empowered to work independently and collaboratively within the school setting and the wider global community; demonstrating respect for one another and the environment.
At Springvale Rise, we teach English every day in an authentic and purposeful way, focusing on the three core strands of the English Curriculum; Reading and Viewing, Writing and Speaking and Listening. Teachers provide differentiated instruction with varying levels of support, scaffolding students to acquire the knowledge, skills and strategies needed to comprehend and create texts. Students are provided with rich, authentic experiences and texts, to promote oral language development. Phonological awareness and phonics are explicitly taught, preparing students to engage confidently with reading and writing a variety of texts.
The teachers at Springvale Rise take pride in nurturing a love of reading in all students, providing opportunities to maximise engaged reading and deep thinking about texts. They use language rich mentor texts and explicit instruction (think aloud strategy) to support students with developing their awareness of and ability to use a variety of appropriate strategies when comprehending texts. Students are taught how to select just right books and books of interest, supporting them to develop independent reading skills.
Students write for authentic audiences and purpose, using a variety of genres and text types. Opportunities to develop vocabulary and intentional word choice are provided during lessons, supporting students to convey meaning and engage their audience. Speaking and Listening skills are explicitly taught and integrated into all learning areas.

At Springvale Rise, we provide hands on, engaging Mathematics lessons, focused on the three core strands of the curriculum; Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. We have a whole school approach to teaching Mathematics from Foundation through to Grade 6, our lessons are sequenced and intentionally planned for, meeting the individual learning needs of all students. Our Mathematics lessons are fun, providing opportunities for learners to develop and practise problem solving, understanding, fluency and mathematical reasoning skills.
Students engage in a variety of games to support their fluency and recall of number facts. They use hands on materials daily, to support the development of their conceptual understanding, and gradually transition to using the written algorithm when solving the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). Teacher’s provide differentiated, explicit instruction at a whole class, small group and individual student level, to support student’s skill acquisition and mathematical confidence.
Success Criteria and Worked Examples are provided for every lesson, they are visible and co-constructed in classrooms to support students with knowing what success looks like and the next steps in their learning. Once students have learnt mathematical concepts and are able to engage in independent practice, a variety of real life problem solving opportunities are provided for students to apply skills in a variety of contexts.
Social and Emotional Literacy (SEL)
At Springvale Rise, we prioritise student wellbeing and recognise that students personal and social development is as important as their academic learning. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) opportunities equip our students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop a positive self-identity, recognise and regulate their emotions, feel and show empathy for others, build and maintain respectful relationships, and make responsible decisions to keep themselves safe. Learning in SEL supports engagement and achievement across all areas of the curriculum.
Students participate in focused SEL lessons each week that are planned and delivered by their classroom teacher. The lessons draw on evidence-based learning materials including Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships and Zones of Regulation, and are responsive to the needs of the cohort. Students engage in facilitated discussions, role plays, and collaborative tasks to develop their skills. This learning is reiterated through daily Circle Time and reflective conversations.
Our SEL program supports the students of Springvale Rise to become resilient and confident individuals, who are inclusive and supportive of others, and ready navigate the challenges of a fast-paced and ever-changing world.

Specialist Subjects
Visual Arts
‘Fostering creativity and artistic expression’
Visual Arts is highly valued at Springvale Rise Primary School. We believe learning about Visual Arts is fundamental to the development of the whole child, as it promotes creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and social interactions. The Arts are a powerful mode of communication through which students can explore and construct a sense of self and develop an understanding of the world around them. Visual Arts provide students with a wide range of opportunities and means to respond to their experiences and engage with historical, social and cultural perspectives. Our students are encouraged to think and articulate their thoughts in new ways, through a variety of media and technologies.
The impact of our outstanding Visual Arts program is clearly evident upon entering our grounds on both campuses and permeates throughout the school. Students are involved in creative processes that encourage the development and expression of ideas using the arts. Drawing on imagination and innovation, students resolve problems which are inherent in their art projects. Our students develop an appreciation of a wide range of diverse artworks and discuss their reflections about these works of art, including their own, in order to develop a deeper understanding of the art elements and the principles of design and creativity.
Springvale Rise Primary School is also committed to sharing artworks from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, and from artists from other culturally diverse backgrounds, as part of its Visual Arts program.
Environmental Science
‘Nurturing a generation that values sustainability”
At Springvale Rise Primary School we believe incorporating environmental science into the curriculum fosters a sense of responsibility for the world we inhabit. Our students learn to appreciate the delicate balance between ecosystems and the impact of human activities on the natural world, promoting sustainable practices. It is our hope that this knowledge equips them to be informed global citizens.
Through developmentally appropriate lessons, all our students are able to grasp the significance of reducing waste, conserving resources, and making eco-friendly choices. Environmental science also provides a platform to explore nature and encourage curiosity. Hands-on activities and projects in our multi-cultural kitchen garden enhance their connection with sustainability, making learning a tangible and memorable experience. Who doesn’t love planting, harvesting and eating their very own homegrown fruit and vegetables?
Our environmental science program at Springvale Rise Primary School also compliments the dedicated Kitchen component that is a true highlight of our Year 3/4 children’s learning experience.

Physical Education
‘Developing healthy and active bodies and brains’
Physical activity is an essential aspect of a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle. It also helps to build self-esteem, confidence, cooperation and fitness. Regular, enjoyable, physical education sessions are prioritised at our school, and they allow our children to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for participation in sport and leisure pursuits. Our highly experienced Physical Education teachers seize every opportunity for our students to be involved in a wide range of sporting activities, tapping into local sporting organisations wherever possible.
The major components of our program include body control and spatial awareness (fundamental motor skills), athletics, ball skills, gymnastics, major and minor games and swimming / water safety. Students in our senior learning centre also have the opportunity to participate in friendly competition with other local schools in our district with football, soccer, cross-country, softball, netball and volleyball being just some of the formal sports that are offered. Sporting activities also help build links with parents, the local community and beyond. We encourage all our children and parents to take advantage of local sporting opportunities after school and on the weekends. And as with all our programs, we urge our children to ‘have a go’. After school AFL AusKick which is held on-site every year is always a hit for all the family!
It’s great to win, but participation and good sportsmanship are our highest priorities at Springvale Rise Primary School.
‘Broadening understandings through experiences with other cultures’
At our school, all students have the opportunity to learn a language other than English. As a result, our students gain an appreciation of how languages work, as well as develop an understanding of another culture which enriches their personal development and helps facilitate international mindedness.
All students from Foundation to Year 6 engage in Vietnamese classes with our highly skilled teachers who speak Vietnamese as their own first language. The students at Springvale Rise Primary School are encouraged to increase their understandings of Vietnamese through speaking, listening, singing, writing, and reading; and through the use of a variety of online resources. Classes are also provided with the opportunity to learn about Vietnamese culture and students regularly engage in crafts and cooking lessons to support a deeper understanding of Vietnamese language, culture and everyday life. In the junior years, the emphasis is on developing basic communicative skills and vocabulary whilst in the senior years there is a stronger focus on more complex communication and language skills including learning to read and write in Vietnamese.
As a significant number of the students at Springvale Rise Primary School already speak Vietnamese as a first language, our two teachers are proficient at providing a differentiated classroom program to suit all learners.
Learning Centers
Springvale Rise Primary School is committed to providing a personalised learning program for all students. We recognise that all children are unique and as such, we value individuality.
The school is divided into four Learning Centres. These Learning Centres are the Senior Learning Centre (SLC), the Middle Learning Centre (MLC), the Junior Learning Centre (JLC) and the Foundation Learning Centre (FLC).
Within every learning centre, teachers carefully plan differentiated teaching and learning programs, which make use of a variety of teaching strategies and group arrangements in order to meet the needs of our students. Teachers also utilise a variety of assessment to inform their teaching and monitor the progress of students in all curriculum areas. The Literacy and Numeracy block are prioritised each day and are carefully designed to personalise the learning for all students.
The Foundation Learning Centre or FLC is made up of all of our Foundation students. In the FLC, students learn about the routines of the school environment, begin establishing relationships with their peers and teachers and engage in individualised learning experiences. The students focus on key literacy and numeracy learning, while exploring what it means to be a member of our school community.
The FLC also connects with the MLC via a special ‘buddy program.’ This program creates a safe and welcoming school environment for the FLC students, as they have familiar faces in the school with whom they can play with.

The Junior Learning Centre or the JLC is made up of our Year 1 and Year 2 students. In the JLC students build upon the routines and relationships they have formed in the FLC. They begin to develop the ability to be more independent learners, by setting learning goals and understanding how to select learning experiences which are ‘just right’ for them. The students are supported by their teachers to develop their leadership skills and make smart learning choices.
At the beginning of the year all students engage in a Social Skills program to understand the school values and how we interact and learn together at Springvale Rise Primary School. Our engaging curriculum provides clear instructions to ensure the development of key literacy and numeracy skills, whilst investigating big ideas, valuing individual contribution and striving for personal best. At the end of the year the students celebrate with their annual ‘Camp Party.’ This event is a night where the JLC students are able to come back to school after the school day has ended and engage in a variety of exciting experiences with their peers and teachers. ‘Camp Party’ enables the students to celebrate their learning throughout the year, as well as support their growing independence.
The Middle Learning Centre or the MLC consists of our Year 3 and Year 4 students. In the MLC, students continue to consolidate their ability to be independent learners and continue to set learning goals and work towards achieving these goals. We encourage the students to become independent, responsible and organised both inside and outside the classroom. The students begin to explore what it means to be a leader in their community and how they can demonstrate these qualities.
At the beginning of the school year all MLC students engage in a Social Skills program and explore the schools values. They strive to demonstrate these values throughout their time in the MLC the students end the year by celebrating their learning with a ‘Camp Out.’ This special event further builds upon the students’ growing independence and leadership in the school and supports their readiness for the official camping program in the SLC.

The Senior Learning Centre or the SLC consists of our Year 5 and Year 6 students. In the SLC, students explore what it means to be an effective learner and how they learn as an individual. The students continue to consolidate their understanding of what it means to be an effective leader and begin to take on leadership roles within the school such as School Captains, School Prefects, House Captains, SRC Representatives and school leaders in STEM, Art and Sport.
At the beginning of the school year all SLC students engage in a Social Skills program, which explores the school values. Students then strive to demonstrate these values throughout the year. In the SLC, the students have the opportunity to engage in a bi-annual camping program. The students stay overnight and engage in a variety of learning experiences with their peers, teachers and instructors. They continue to develop their sense of self and independence.
At the end of their final year at Springvale Rise Primary School, our students are involved in aa very special Graduation Evening. Graduation is held on a night during the last two weeks of the school year and is attended by families of the year 6 students from both campuses. It is a wonderful evening to celebrate all the achievemts and learning the students have completed during their time at our school.